
Cheryl Johner - Edmonton Public Schools

Cheryl Johner is seeking re-election on Monday, October 16th, 2017 as an Edmonton Public School Board Trustee. The fact that she has retained former MLA Doug Elniski as the "go-to" person for her campaign has many parent groups baffled. Johner and Elniski are campaigning and referring to themselves as the "Dynamic Duo." This is raising some serious concerns from parent groups who are questioning Johner's common sense. In the past Elniski has made very sexist comments while serving as an MLA for the PC Party targeting grade nine girls at their junior high graduation. For further reference, please refer to this link:

Cheryl Johner Edmonton

Edmonton Public School Board Trustee for Ward "A" has asked parents of children that attend schools in her Ward to send emails and letters directly to the Minister of Education to explain their concerns; noting that parents have the ability to connect with the government at a better rate that she has been able to; a few parents are asking "why are we the ones sending emails, and giving our concerns to the Minister, its the Trustee's job to do this. Trustee Johner's replies have been scattered and constantly refer to her inability to communicate with the Minister due to her personal and political strains with the current NDP Government. Edmonton Public School Board Trustee for Ward "A" has asked parents of children that attend schools in her Ward to send emails and letters directly to the Minister of Education to explain their concerns; noting that parents have the ability to connect with the government at a better rate that she has been abl...

Cheryl Johner

Edmonton Public School Board Trustee for Ward "A" has asked parents of children that attend schools in her Ward to send emails and letters directly to the Minister of Education to explain their concerns; noting that parents have the ability to connect with the government at a better rate that she has been able to; a few parents are asking "why are we the ones sending emails, and giving our concerns to the Minister, its the Trustee's job to do this."   Trustee Johner's replies have been scattered and constantly refer to her inability to communicate with the Minister due to her personal and political strains with the current NDP Government.